
That was fun!

We LOVE The Bunkhouse and everyone that was in it last Friday night! We had a blast rocking thru a few new cuts and some old favorites. Great to meet new friends Rusty Maples, Fever Girl, and Cecil - very talented folks and excellent showmen/women. Its great to see Vegas producing such diverse talent - I think that’s part of our charm - people come from all over the world to Las Vegas, so we really are a mish mash of influences and ideas. Anything goes in Vegas!!

Some of our very best friends came out to hang - Jacob, Harrison, Kat, Ruth, and one of my all time best friends Marty - we’ve driven across the country and back together - and shared many other adventures over the years, so it was great to see him drive all the way in from Salt Lake City (not JUST for our show) but good times nonetheless!

Despite all the celebration and costumes I’ve seen - I still have not had ONE piece of Halloween candy! Some years I go nuts, and make most of the way thru the bag before its actually time to hand anything out, but this year I guess we’re keeping it a little healthier so here’s to making some kind of progress towards a healthier self in the future! Okay I’ve said enough - or too much - next post will be more about the NEW ALBUM! Until then, be good, we love you all!!
